SL Donation

You can create a donation T slot with S/Z and J/L.

Shachiku Train

Shachiku train needs a 2-height wall to form the right side of the T slot.

You need a flat ground to stack shachiku train.

After the first T-spin, the result will be another 4-wide flat ground. You can setup another shachiku train on top of it.

After the second T-spin, it leaves an open 2-wide gap. Which means you can build it on top of any strcture that only requires a 2-wide well e.g. DT cannon.

Stack on top of a well

It leaves a clean field when using as a donation on col 1 and col 2 well.

When stacking on col 2 well, sometimes it is better to skip the 2nd T-spin and do a tetris.

It also works on 2-wide well:

Stack on incomplete TSD

Since it leaves a 1011 shape after the first t-spin, you can stack it on a T slot to create fractal/imperial cross.


Since it leaves a 1011 shape after the first t-spin, we can stack it on 2-wide well and build TST/STSD overhang.

In the second example, the wall on the J side must form a flat surface.

Following are situational setups.

Empty field setup

It can be used as a continuation after perfect clear.

7-2 stacking continuation

KGT Alternative

KGT also uses a 2-height wall as the right side of the T-slot

Shachiku train can be used here if you know how to clean up the hole after the first T-spin

An example from Cold Clear:

Parapet alternative

In this case, you would like to go for a parapet + ZS donation:

But if you run out of L, do a shachiku train instead:

JL version

If you have a 3-height wall, you can try to stack shachiku train with L and J:

You can also stack it beside a 2-height kaidan:

It works well if the corner cell is filled, as an alternative of King Crimson:

It also can be used to change the location of the well. In the following case, you usually want to stack an S to balance the left part:

However, it doesn't work well if you get a garbage hole at col 2:

In this case, stack shachiku train instead:

T-Spin Neo

Polymer T-Spin are not always a good idea because sometimes you need a lot of J.

T-Spin Fin

This is only applicable on 0100 ground. It works well if you are doing a donation on the other side.

Otherwise, you need a 4-height wall on the J side:


High base

In this setup, the first T-spin is one layer higher than normal shachiku train.

It also means it requires a line clear to complete the second T-spin.

One special thing is that you can stack S after ZJL:

This can be an alternative setup if you don't want to build OverFuture when getting ZJL.

Sometimes it is better to stack a J shadowblade donation that doesn't require a line clear:

Partial setup

Shachiku train without the top layer.

The second setup is often used as an alternative of LS donation e.g. when two Ts come before S.

The second setup is also the basement of SJ donation. You can stack an I to convert it to double-double:

Use partial shachiku as the overhang:

In the above case, you can upgrade it to a full shachiku:

Situational setups

Stack shachiku train with different pieces.

STMB Alternative

As the last situational setup, it can be used as an alternative of STMB cave. In the following case:

Instead of Z/L donation, you can put a J at left side and build a shachiku:

Compare to Z/L donation:

JZ vs. ZJ

Double to Shachiku

After clearing two lines, this shape becomes shachiku train:

Right part example:

It is a shachiku train but raise up 2 lines:

Which enables us to build it with different pieces:

SJ Donation

I don't know if there is a proper name for this setup.

You need a 00110 ground to build this setup.

You can build it on 01110 ground which becomes a TST.

You can build it on 01100 ground which becomes a STSD.

You can build it on 00100 ground which becomes a DSTSD.

Note that you can also stack this shape using LI.

Stack on top of a well

Like shachiku train, you can build it on top of col 1 or col 2 well.

You can also use Z or O to create 00110 ground:

Stack on top of an overhang

You can often get 00110 from an overhang:

Make sure to stack on the right side or the overhang will block the entire structure.

In the above failing example, you can try to build a TSD-imperial cross and spin an upside-down T to clear the donation.

Stack on top of incomplete TST

As long as the height of the wall at the J side is lower than two, you can use the 00110 ground for the setup. You can build the overhang after the entire donation is consumed.

Note that the entire setup is actually a DT2 but the overhang is built after consuming TSD.

However, you can also build the overhang before the first TSD if there are more space at the left. It also means you can build the entire setup with more different pieces.

Stack on top of kaidan with an O

You can stack it on a 3-height kaidan. It results in a TST tower.

If the left wall is too high, you can still try to stack it with a T or L as long as it can form a flat surface.

TD attack

This can be used at 2-7 stacking when you don't have a good place to stack ZS.

Setup with different pieces:

Similar method

Instead of forming the T slot, you can also use it as a side-donation on 2-wide well with kaidan

Situational setup

LS Donation

The first setup requires 1-height base at the right side to form the T slot.

The second setup is identical to SJ donation.

Like SJ donation, you need a 00110 ground. However, this setup requires a filled cell under L piece which makes it impossible to stack on top of an overhang.

You can remember this common shape that can be used with empty field and 4-5 stacking:

Stack on a well

You can stack it on top of col 1 or col 2 well. 2-wide well doesn't work.

It adds one line after the first T-spin. You can stack it on a 3-height well to form a tetris slot.

Stack on incomplete TST

The wall on the L side must be 2 cell height.

Although these setups look similar, the first one is double-triple and the second one is double-double-triple.

One special thing about this setup is that you can spin the Z piece in after stacking L and S:

Stack on top of kaidan with an O

You can stack it on a kaidan and use an O as the base. It results in a TST tower.

If the left wall is too low, you can still try to stack it with T or JI as long as it can form a T shape under O.

TD attack

Like SJ donation but use L instead of J.

Setup with other pieces:

Don't forget you can spin the Z piece in.

Face to the wall

Since the donation itself arleady includes the overhang, the right part can be a simple one-block:

It can be handy in the following situation:

Compare to other choices:

The J piece can be stacked after ZS:

Similar method:

SJ donation STSD

By stacking SJ donation on 01100 ground, you get a STSD. You need an extra L, J, or O to complete the spin.

Like all STSD, you lose one T-spin if you get a hole under the first T-spin.

Stack on O, Z, or S

The third form is the basement of over future.

Stack on kaidan with a Z

You may want to use this when you can't get an O to build regular SJ donation.

JS/SL donation

Usually, you would like to place a J on 010 ground to form a T slot.

However, it won't work if you get a hole under the J piece.

In this case, you can stack a JS donation or SL donation:

The second form requires you to stack up four lines. Sometimes it is simpler to raise two lines and do a kaidan donation or shachiku when you can't stack the first form.

Upgrade to Fractal

You can often upgrade it to fractal.

Upgrade to DT

Create TST/TSD slot

Instead of hanging J on 010 ground, you can stack it on a 2-wide platform to create a TST slot:

Compare to SJ donation:


For TSD, sometimes it is possible to replace the S with a Z:

To form the right part, you need a 3-height wall. The gap under the T slot can also be filled since it's a floating T spin above the ground with 2 cells:

If the gap is filled, we can also use the triple setup:

Upgrade the first T-Spin to TST:


This is a double-triple template using this technic:

You can also stack it on a kaidan which results in a STSD.

It is possible to stack it with the second setup:

However, you have to cleanup two overhangs. Some examples:

With the STSD variant, you can use another L and J to build a TST:

Note that these examples only work when the overhang is two cells high.

If the left side has more space, you can also go for DT2 like SJ donation.

Advanced donation

It is possible to donate the second T-spin:

Stack on kaidan with an O

Like SJ/LS donation, use O as the 2-wide base:

TD attack

If we hang the J on 100 ground, we get a hole to build TD attack.

Setup with different pieces:

The Z technic for SJ/LS donation also works here:

Fractal TD

TD attack after upgrading to fractal:

This can be used when there is no space to stack overhang i.e. J sticks to the wall.

You have more chance to setup this shape using LS so you don't need multiple J.

Create 00110 base for SJ/LS donation

When doing a JS donation like this, you usually want to stack TD attack to clear the hole:

However, since the left side also forms a 00110 ground, we can also stack another SJ/LS donation on it that leads to TD attack:

Usually, this is not the best choice. You need 4 Ts to consume the entire setup. You are likely to overstack the right part. Following is an example:

Shadow blade and STMB cave are cleaner:


Achieve the same effect with IJS:

More examples:

It can be used as a continuation after JS donation:

Different pieces setup

Following are other common ways to build JS donation:

A different location of the hole?

Another example


OverFuture is an STSD donation. By stacking it on different grounds, it leaves different holes and may lead to different continuations.



You can pre-build the BT overhang in this case:

Upgrade to TST with J

This setup can be mirrored:

If you are able to do 180-spin, you can stack it on top of an overhang and spin the J piece in.

The final board is not that good as regular STSD. You can do a simple I spin to clear the overhang.

Or stack an extended shachiku train:

Flat JZ

A column 1 TSD donation.

LSO Stacking

A prophecy donation stacking method:

Since it's a loop, you can start from any point and pre-build the donation. For example the common Z donation:

Flat JS

This setup requires one block next to J:

It is useful when you use Z overhang and run out of O:

Upgrade to fractal

You can also put the O and consume the TSD first:

With col-2 well, you can stack LS on it:


Similar to JS donation:

This setup may use a lot of J: